Why change?

U Energia offers you rates that adapt to all levels of consumption, with fair prices, and without additional services that you do not need,without a permanence period and offering the care and service you deserve.

How can I contract U energia?

Contracting U Energia is very easy. You can calculate your offer on our website www.uenergia.es. And to contract you only need an email address and the IBAN number of your bank account, as well as a valid identity document issued in Spain.

If you have any queries you can always find us in the Customer service section of our website.

When changing company will I be left without electricity?

Not at all. At no point will you be left without an electricity supply. Changing company is merely an administrative procedure.

Do I need to carry out any procedures to change?

You simply need to register and we will take care of the rest. Including deregistering from your current supplier. If it is a new registration, after receiving the necessary documents, we will take care of the procedures with the distributor for you.

Do I need to change my installation?

You do not need to make any changes to your meter or your installation which will remain the responsibility of the distributor and not of your current supplier.

And you can have peace of mind, under no circumstances will you be left without a supply due to the changing process.

Do I have a permanence period if I make the change?

No, there is no permanence period. You are free to leave whenever you want.

Who can contract U Energia?

We offer service to both individuals and companies or institutions. No matter if you rent or are an owner, you can change to U Energia and we will offer advice about the rate and power that best suits your needs.

How much does it cost to change to U Energia?

Changing supplier is cost-free, it is completely free for the client.

What documentation do I need in order to register for a new electricity contract with U Energia?

If you don´t have electricity and you want to register a new supply, you will have to contact the distributor in your area beforehand in order to request your CUPS (unique code that identifies a supply point).

The documentation required is as follows:

  • The National ID of the holder, on both sides.
  • The certificate of habitation (or equivalent licence if you are local).
  • The electricity inspection bulletin, also known as low-voltage installation certificate.

If you want to change company and join U Energia you don´t need to process a new registration, you will only have to fill out the registration form with one of your bills at hand.

Can I change to U Energia if I am not the holder of the electricity contract?

If you are not the owner of the property, or if for any reason you have kept the electricity contract in the name of the previous owner, there will be no problem changing to U Energia provided that it is you who is consuming the electricity. Also, the owner of the property can always change to the company they want without it entailing any cost and at no time will they be left without electricity.

How do I change power or the electricity rate when contracting U Energia?

You can increase or reduce your contracted power without any problems. You will simply need to wait to have a complete U Energia bill and request the change via any of our contact channels. You will also be able to request a change of rate, whether from a normal rate to your version with time-based pricing and vice versa, or moving from one rate to another via a change of power.

We always recommend fully adjusting your power in order to attain savings on your bill, but if you have to do so, you should consult the maximum power that your installation supports in the electricity inspection bulletin.

We will not charge you anything for these changes, but the distributor will (it will do so through U Energia, in the following bill after the change).

Can I have more than one supply contract?

You can have all the contracts you require: your property, your business, second home or any other supply and you can manage them all conveniently via the client area on our website.

Access Rates

In order to find out what your access rate is you need to look for the Access Rate item on your bill. Access rates are prices regulated by the Administration and consist of tolls on power and energy that the supplier collects in the electricity bill and pays to the distributor.

What is the free market and the regulated market?

In the free market electricity consumers contract their supply via a Free Supplier company, freely agreeing their rate with the company.

In the Regulated Market a price that is regulated by the Government is contracted from a series of reference suppliers also appointed by it.

U Energia is a supplier that operates in the free market, thus enabling anyone to contract it by choosing the rate that best suits their needs.

What is Red Eléctrica (Spanish electricity grid)?

Red Eléctrica de España (REE) is responsible for transporting high-voltage electrical energy (not yet suitable for consumption) and managing, maintaining and repairing the infrastructures needed to do so. Once the energy has been transformed into low-voltage energy by the distributor, the supplier is responsible for selling it to the end customer.

What does a distributor do?

A distributor is the owner of the cable that reaches the consumer and the meter. By law, since 1 July 2009 it must solely devote itself to building, maintaining and operating the electricity grids, as well as reading the meters and providing the 24-hour breakdown service. Depending on the area where you live, you belong to one distributor or another.

What are tolls?

They are an amount, whose rates are set by the Government, that the distributor company charges for using its electricity grids and enabling the electricity to reach your home. U Energia is responsible for collecting this amount in your bill and paying it to the distributor on your behalf. It is determined by two terms: the power term, always fixed, which corresponds to the power contracted, and energy, which varies depending on your consumption.

What is a supplier?

A supplier is the company that sells the electrical energy that flows through the network of distributors and, by law, since 1 July 2009 it has been responsible for billing electrical energy.

What is the energy term on my bill?

This is the variable part of your bill: the more you consume, the more you will have to pay. In order to calculate this cost you have to multiply the consumption by the price applied per kWh (depending on your rate).

What is the power term on my bill?

It is a set amount on your bill, which is always paid, regardless of whether energy is consumed. The price per kW contracted is defined by the Government, and if you multiply it by the power you have contracted, it will give you the amount to pay.

What are electrical taxes?

This is tax that is levied in order to obtain revenue for aid for coal mining. This tax is applied to the sum of the energy term plus the power term, and is added to the taxable base for the calculation of VAT.

What is the rental of the meter?

n your bill you will find the cost of this rental detailed. Normally, the meter is owned by the distribution company which will bill the price of the rental to U Energia and we will pass on this charge in the bill without any increase in price. If the meter is owned by the client, we will not charge anything.

Who will come to read my meter?

The same company that has done so until now, your distributor will not change.

What is the ICP?

ICP are the Spanish initials for Interrupter de Control de Potencia, known in English as a Power Control Switch (PCS). This switch, installed by the distribution company, controls the power that you have consumed at all times. Thus, when the power surpasses the contracted amount it comes into operation, cutting the electricity supply.

What is CUPS?

The CUPS (Spanish initials of Código Universal del Punto de Suministro) is a unique code that identifies a supply point that must appear on your electricity bill.

Where can I see my bills?

We send each bill to the email address that you have provided to us. Also, from your client account, you can access the history of all the bills we have issued to you and download them.

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